Although our primary goal is to ensure total customer satisfaction, it is not enough to just simply supply high quality products and services to our customers, we also have to protect the environment and the welfare of our employees and the public. Thus, our Management System is fully compliant to the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standards.

Health & Safety of all stake holders is of paramount importance to us. Thus, we have put in place effective operational controls on all of our activities. Our risk assessment register is a “live” document which gets updated proactively.

XTRAMIX HSE team looks forward to constantly striving for excellence in all aspects of health, safety and environmental related issues. The team recognizes the impact that its activities can have on people and the environment. At XTRAMIX , we believe that we live in the environment that we create. Health, Safety, Environment protection and Risk Management are the integral part of our planning and decision-making. We manage our business in an ethical way that strikes for an appropriate and well-reasoned balance between economic, social, and environmental needs through effective assessment of the risks associated in conducting our business.

IMS Model and its Processes

The Xtramix Integrated Management System was developed to ensure that good practices are integrated into delivering the goals and objectives of the company. These requirements are applicable in all of our business practices utilized throughout the company. The Integrated Management System document provides the direction and guidance (regardless of function) for meeting the requirements (Fig. 1: IMS Process Model). The model is based on the universal methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle.

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